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Annual Activity of the Heritage Management Program of

2023 Cultural Mapping "Climate Change, Local Wisdom

and Cultural Resilience"

​​2023 澳門旅遊學院文化遺產管理學系年度活動
文化地圖之 “風雨育蓮

Cultural Mapping is a method of describing and analyzing culture, with the aim of identifying and recording a society』s cultural resources. These resources include historic architecture, public art, customs, traditional skills, festivals, and celebrations, etc.


As part of the Cultural and Heritage Management (formerly known as Heritage Management before 2021), this course builds upon the skills and knowledge students have acquired in previous years. Students learn to identify, analyze and evaluate historical, cultural, economic and social values, gaining a deeper understanding   of urban culture, heritage as well as cultural resilience and sustainability. At the same time, this course aims to cultivate the students as heritage managers with strong ability of connecting with various stakeholders, organizations, and institutions.


This year, the Class of 2023 Cultural and Heritage Management seniors, under the guidance of Dr. Richard A. Engelhardt and Dr. Johannes Widodo, will hold an event on the theme "Climate Change, Local Wisdom and Cultural Resilience".

今年,2019級的文化與遺產管理的大四學生將在老師Richard A. Engelhardt 和Johannes Widodo的帶領下,為大家帶來主題為「氣候變化,當地智慧和文化韌性」 (Climate Change, Local Wisdom and Cultural Resilience)的科普及活動。


Addressing climate change is not solely about protecting the natural ecology of the planet, but also about safeguarding the human home, cultural resilience and the humanity itself. How the residents of Macao have used their wisdom to cope with climate change from ancient times to the present will be explained in detail in our event on May 13 from 3:30 to 5:30 pm (Macao Institute for Tourism, Mong-Há campus, Amphitheatre).


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